Using our Yantras people meditate to be able to obtain in life what they want.
We have Yantras for specific purposes – for enlightenment and abundance, energy and physical health, confidence and self-esteem, spiritual awakening, and emotional well-being.
It is well known that people are able to obtain whatever they want in lives by reprogramming their minds in positive ways.
First, try to meditate late at night when you are already in the bed, feeling very sleepy. Why it this very important? Because at that time your conscious mind usually is very weak and loses much of its ability to critique whatever you do, making you to doubt everything.
This is a very crucial point.
This does apply to any Yantra, for example:
“I am already healthy and have a lot of energy,” or
“I am already confident and have a very high self-esteem,” or
“I am already very spiritual person,” or
“I am already very happy.”
Do not rush, it is crucial to be able to visualize whatever you would like to obtain in life very well, so, please, take as much time as you need to have a clear picture in your mind’s eye.
My suggestions:
Look at the picture of yourself that was taken years ago.
Close your eyes and imagine that you do look like that NOW.
Keep that image in your mind’s eye as long as you can. You can mentally stand up, go toward the mirror and look at yourself in the mirror, you see yourself in the mirror looking very young.
Go back to your bed and lie down.
Whatever you wanted in your life has already happened.
Try to do your best to experience feeling of happiness. Stay with that feeling as long as you can.
Be sincere in your intention and consistent in your effort. With time, your mind will start guiding your toward you goal.
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